Participation in International Conference on Strategy and Policy in Higher Education (21-22.11.2022, online/offline)

On 21-22 November 2022, O ​2 universum in Prague organized International Conference on Strategy and Policy in Higher Education – CZEDUCON-2022 in hybrid format. Conference was dedicated to EUs Erasmus+ priorities and international dimension, particularly cooperation with Ukraine.

Conference AGENDA and live STREAMING.

For the attention of Ukrainian and international partners for further distribution: a detailed presentation about the situation in Ukraine, challenges, needs, ideas for cooperation and opportunities to participate in more than 30 competitions of the EU Erasmus+ Program.

During the working group session presentation “European Commission presents: Supporting the Ukrainian Higher Education Sector” was provided by the following key speakers:

  • Vanessa DEBIAIS-SAINTON, Head of Higher Education Unit, DG EAC, European Commission
  • Kateryna SUPRUN, Acting Head of Expert Group on Digital Transformation of Education and Science, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  • Michael GAEBEL, Director, European University Association (EUA)

More details on current state of Ukrainian education and its beneficiaries for international partners’ further dissemination.

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